Offering better results from your surgery using innovative technologies:

Plastic, Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery – Dr. Rafael Camberos Solis.


reduccion de mamas

Breast Surgery

Abdominoplastia y liposucción

Body Cosmetic Surgery for Women

Extracción de bolsas de Bichat

Cosmetic Facial Surgery for Women

Corrección de Ginecomastia

Gynecomasty Correction

Liposucción corporal masculina

Body Cosmetic Surgery for Men

Cirugía de Nariz masculina

Cosmetic Facial Surgery for Men

Dr. Rafael Camberos Solis

Dr. Rafael Camberos Solis, obtained the degree in Medicine from the Universidad Autonoma de Baja California, campus Tijuana. Subsequently, he studied for 3 years the Specialty in General Surgery at the Hospital de Especialidades Centro Médico Nacional de Occidente in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco. Later, in the same hospital, he also took the Specialty course in Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, that lasted 3 additional years. During his training as a Plastic Surgeon, he complemented his studies of Cosmetic Plastic Surgery at Innovare, a Hospital of Surgical Specialties and National and International Education Center in Plastic Surgery, located also in Guadalajara, Jalisco. Dr. Camberos also made a formative stay in Vila-Rovira Institut, a Medical Surgical Center Specialized in Cosmetic Surgery and Hair Transplant, in the City of Barcelona, Spain.

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