Ears Surgery

Also called Otoplasty.


Usually, the ears are not a body part that catches our attention. However, when the ears are too big or too prominent, they tend to stand out and attract the attention of others.

There are techniques to solve ear deformities and make them discreet as they should be.
Each case must be evaluated individually by the surgeon.


Girls who are candidates for Ear Surgery:

Older than 5 years or when the ear cartilage is stable enough to be corrected with surgery.
Girls who can cooperate by obeying the instructions of the doctor and their parents.
Girls that agree with the surgery.

Teenagers and adult female candidates for Ear Surgery:

Those in good health, non-smokers, with real expectations of the surgery.


Recovery time:

Approximately 7 to 10 days. During the first week, it is necessary to wear a special bandage all day and night.

Recommended Procedures

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Cirugía de mentón

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Extracción de bolsas de Bichat

Bichat’s Fat Pad Removal

Certification and Associations


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